you never can begin to live until you dare to die...

Saturday, October 29, 2011


.......on Thursday, I did complete something

.......and it was a poem

.......that I will under no circumstances post on the world wide web.


On Thursday, I also graduated my CERT [Community Emergency Response Technician] class. And, to make up for the fact that I'm not going to post the aforesaid poem, I'm going to write a humorous poem here and now that is CERT-themed.

.......I'll try to make it as humiliating as possible penance for keeping my personal poem personal.

Before I begin, you have to understand that this is really a joke. Our Emergency Med. instructor was superdeduper awesome. He was an Eastern-Indian paramedic that formerly trained Iraq-bound U.S. soldiers in emergency first-aid. I took the class with Keilah, Libs, Makenna and Ari and he asked us a bit about homeschooling [apparently, his daughter is in a school for gifted students and he thinks homeschooling her might be beneficial. Wowsers], but otherwise, he was absorbed in instructing us in the art of tying cloth bandages so that they apply pressure to the bleeding.

Here you are. Hope you smile. =)

Your name's Max
but you look like a Sam
So everyone calls you wrong

[I think I have a crush on my teacher]

Your beard's awesome
Your accent's sweet
Your arms are.... really strong

[I think I have a crush on my teacher]

Am I eighteen?
Or am I twelve?
You're just so freepin' cool!

[I think I have a crush on my teacher]

And so as I twist the tourniquet
Or perform a blood sweep ...or check a radial pulse
I'm acting like a fool

[I think I have a crush on my teacher]



Bethie Engstrom said...

defiantly smiled. Love this. =D (<see, my cheesy grin on the web)

Bekah said...

-dies laughing-

Autumn said...


Keilah said...

Okay- I am SNORTING with laughter! Gosh, Grace. You are so funny! I will miss Sam, er, I mean Max.
