you never can begin to live until you dare to die...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Romeo et Julliette

SO happy! I've been pining to go to a ballet for quite some time.

Last Saturday evening, Mom took us to "Romeo et Julliette." I loved every second of it...

Tickets were last minute, and we saw it on one of the last nights!

Dance. So magical...

I'd write something meaningful on the impact of ballet on the human soul, but I'm supposed to be reading Huck Finn...

Gag. I'd rather read Beowulf.


Eldarwen said...

You like ballet? I've been to a couple of shows, but I was too young to appreciate them. :)

~Eldarwen Failariel~

Rachel Kimberly said...

I've only seen two ballets, and I was pretty little. The Nutcracker and... something about a yellow bird. I don't remember what it was called.

Eldarwen said...

Hey! I saw the Nutcracker, too! And I then saw the Swan Lake one, or whatever it's called. They were both on the same night and I was like, 6 years old, so I was really bored when the second one came along. :) I wish I had been older so I could've appreciated it more. :/

~Eldarwen Failariel~

Danaphanous said...

yay! hooray for the arts! I love opera and the like... don't think I've been to a ballet though...hmm :)

...I agree, Beowulf is a great read...I always try to read the old books without translation my vocabulary is Shakespearean! That isn't all that old, but it is one of the high points in British least in my opinion. He was re-inventing the English language of his time... ;)

Hannah Nicole said...

Yeah, I've done ballet for five years (this is my fifth) and I just love it. It's COMPLETELY classical ballet, and it's so beautiful...


Gabby said...

Love ballet!!

By the way, I have some pics of Red on my blog. Come check it out. ;D

Bridget said...

Gag?!? Why gag?

Marian said...

Sounds fun! Which composer did the music for Romeo et Julliette? If it was Tchaikovsky, I'd love it! By the way, if you want to see the best version of the Nutcracker--the best that I've seen yet--check out the BBC (2001) version on DVD. I haven't seen much ballet, but I love it. =)

Your Mother said...


This is Bracie's mother chiming in here. She, the busy thing, is off at a finance class. The score was by Prokofiev. I really hate his music for Cinderella, but the music, the costumes, the choreography, the scene all worked perfectly at this production. Tchaikovsky is so lush and flowing and beautiful; Prokofiev is more angular (that may sound weird, but that's how it seems to me) and to me it seems he makes no attempt to *delight* (in the ballets I've seen). But what we saw and heard was very moving, in a powerful sort of way.

Gigi, I had so much fun with you ladies! Let's save up and do it again soon! And I think there is a play or 2 at the Seattle Shakespeare Company I am interested in seeing. Go check out their page and tell me what looks good to you.

Your Mother

Anonymous said...

DON'T LIKE HUCK FINN???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's one of my favorite books! what don't you like about it???
also, the movie starring Elijah Wood is amazing, tlyk...
have you read the Adventures of Tom Sawyer?

Ivy said...

Oh love ballet too!!! I love it!!!!! I've been doing ballet for 3 years now and I'm in a regional dance theater (we're working on the Nutcracker right now...I'm in Snow, Chinese, Mirlitons, and Flowers :D).

Sadly, I have never seen a professional company perform...I'm really hoping to see "Peter Pan" when Milwaukee Ballet does it in May! I've watched a lot of DVDs and videos on YouTube, though. Who did the Romeo and Juliet you saw?

I'd love to read a blog post by you on the impact of ballet on the human soul...that would be interesting.

BTW, are you on the FTN Forum? :)

And hey, I like Huck Finn! :P