you never can begin to live until you dare to die...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

This and That

Don't forget about Poetry's Square, you all!
Thank you for all of your answers. I'm reeeeelly ready or a trip to the library now!
Concerning Sophie's World: it includes philosophies from both Christian and non-christian believers.
The author discusses Paul the Apostle favorably and St. Augustine unfavorably.
The overall worldview of the book does not point directly to Christianity but CLEARLY indicates that there is a higher power.
I had to draw clear lines at several point, saying to myself, "OK, I don't agree with this part!" but it is still a completely worthwhile read.
I believe that Christians should be thinkers, too! Let us not nestle into complacency!

By the way, the F key is sticking on my key-board. Annoying!

And I LOVE my new "Little Artist" anime thing on the side...


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Hi this a nice blog! I like the title! I was going to follow... but I don't see any gadget for following! But consider me a follow!

Jare said...

I have been going through all the post that you did when I was gone and commnenting...I LOVE your blog!

I am the biggest fan!
Plus the #1 fan!

-Fan member of The Locket Lib

Kinga said...

I like your blog! I have a blog where I have some of my poems at I hope you can come see it!

Kinga said...

How in the world do you get two sidebars? I've been trying but I still can't find anything. Please help!

Emileigh Latham said...

I like your blog! It is very pretty.
Thanks for commenting on my blog, and yes, I am wearing a cloak.
You seem very thoughtful and I love your artistic tastes.
I read the post by your sister about you. You are defiantly an artist. :)

Unknown said...

Ok I found the following thing! I am following!

Danaphanous said...

Good morning Bracie. Thank you for your thought-provoking comment on my blog. Though I may at some time post the rest of the story, we will leave your sex, for the time being, with what I've given it. I don't need to argue with you over how things can get to know me if you're curious...but I promise you that I actually have a very postive view of women. No...what I came to do was let you know that you have your poem, posted at

I gave you practically the very first poem I ever you can feel special about that. If you want to see the rest of it...well that would take a can read my latest post if you're curious.

Gray said...

Kiki: You can get a three column background at Just go to their "free blogging secrets" and you'll find the instructions. It's very simple, but both Ophie and I had to do it twice to get it completely figured out.

Danzibar- can I put your post on a "Debate time" (see that label) post here? You don't have to do anything- but of course you can comment i you like. Or you could never come here again...=D Eh? I just quote your post, quote my thoughts, and ask my readers to argue about it and tell me what they think. You might get some publicity... But I wouldn't like to you unless you wanted it.

Now to go read some poems...

Memzie, Lib, Eruanna- thank you for your kind comments!

Danaphanous said...

I suppose that's okay...and I'll certainly come back! :)