I picked this up again. I get an electric feel every time I open it. The paintings are so lovely- they bring me into a different world. This book had so much significance to me when I was a 'wee bairn'- and still does. Lovely stories and pictures depicting knights, ladies, fantasy animals, princesses, Peter Pan...

And of course, now that my speech is whole (if not complete...), I've started Brisingr. I don't like it quite so well as the first two, but I remembered how much I loved them as soon as I picked this one up. I like the references to Eragon becoming a Seeker... intriguing. C Paolini's writing style has improved, and I'm amazed at his plot-weaving abilities. But this one isn't as fast-paced...
As for those I've recently finished, my thoughts about each are right below the image.

That's that! Looking forward to another trip to the library...
ONE LAST THING! Please comment and tell me 1)What your favorite book is, and 2)What your favorite SAD book is. I need a dramatic selection for a Competitive Speech event... Thanks for your help!
Hm...okay, my favorite book would have to be Brisingr, Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows, or the Bible (duh :]). Just to name three. 'Cause I have WAY too many to single it down to even one. My favorite sad book is, without a doubt, the Christmas Sweater, by Glenn Beck. It is by far the book that has made me weep the most. I have cried my eyes out over that story! :D It's amazing, and I love it. Be prepared to cry when you read it (it gets REALLY sad torwards the end). And it's based all on God too, and a teenage guy's really hard journey to find him. It's amazing! :) I would say it's one of my favorite books too. Excluding the sad part. :) Going to check out Ophie's blog!
Er...just realized that your Ophie is the Reluctant Dragon...LOVE her blog! :D
My favourite fictional books are the Sherlock Holmes series, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and others (on my profile). My favourite sad books are Lord of the Rings (the last book is especially tear-jerking!), A Tale of Two Cities, Lord of the Flies, and Villette (Charlotte Bronte)...possibly others, too.
Also, "The Final Problem" is a really sad Sherlock Holmes story...
Bracie- Thank you so much for the compliment that you left on my blog! I'm so glad that you enjoy my blog! I used to write poetry and I only just now started again.
I have two questions: How did you find my blog? and How did you get the impression that I was part-poet?
I've been meaning to read Sophie's world for a while. It's good? Nothing anti-Christian? Thanks!
P.S. You header is beautiful!
Ha-ha, I just read the end of your post.
Ok, my favorite book is the Phantom of the Opera. It has mystery, horror, romance, adventure and humor. My favorite contemporary books are the Kiki Strike series. They are just fun books!
My favorite sad books are Les Miserables (a long, hard read) where I sobbed numerous times and the poem Evangeline by Longfellow. It is beautiful, but so sad.
Fave book--definitely LotR. Also A Dance of Sisters is really good. And Jane Eyre.
Tale of Two Cities, for sorrow. Tho I didn't cry. Got close though. And Tuck Everlasting I recall was very sad, at least a few years back :p
@Marian--Villette, yes, I remember reading about that, in a bio of C Bronte. I'v enever seen it tho.
Yes, well that's only one Ann Rinaldi book. You need to read other ones as well...
My favorite book is The Ordinary Princess (I've told you that before though, haven't I?). I also like Pride and Prejudice, Charles Dickens, the Bloody Jack books, and Twilight. ;] You're doing a DI? Yay you! I'm doing one on Daddy Long Legs, which is an extremely good book you should read. Mine Eyes Have Seen by Ann Rinaldi is pretty darn sad. It's about John Brown's daughter. But I think you should do Hamlet for your dramatic. =]]
My favorite would have to be at the moment the Binding of the Blade series. My "favorite" sad book would be Tilly (one of the few books I have ever cried on) or maybe A Peasants Girl Dream. But I don't think either of those would be good for a dramatic for a speech.
Have you ever heard of Patrick Carman anyone?? If not, then read some of his series. They are great(But I have only read a few, his older ones).
Also, I have been pulling up blanks for good books. Any suggestions?? I would love some.
My favourite book so far is Redeeming Love. It's a beautiful book, and the title says everything. It's a book quite a lot alike to what happened to Hosea in the Bible. Mr. Michael Hosea, a tough and handsome farmer, is called by God to marry a prostitute. A beautiful book, really. Recommended 100%.
And my favourite sad book is Dana's Valley, by Janette Oke. I cried ALL the way while reading it. I read it two days ago, actually, and am going to post a review on my blog if I can.^^
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