you never can begin to live until you dare to die...

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Bracie and Ophelia... not a very nice picture of either of us... but primarily to show off the rare occasion of us both straightening our hair. RARE occasion. Ophe's took a few hours. *Hair straightening not to be repeated.*

Ophelia and Lib, being beautiful. Evidence we knew each other! Now Lib, don't kill me for posting this. Yes, Kei, I'll tell everyone you took the photos... =D

Aren't these girls dramatic? This picture was taken humorously... (No!... Lib... *ackkkk*!...Just...a...picture...) Kei takes so many pictures of other people, I can't find one of her...

Ophelia, looking intelligent (as always...).
First off, for all of your wonderment: Yes, Ophelia from The Reluctant Dragon is my younger sister. I'm newer to the blogging universe then she is.
And Kei from Looking Through the Lens and Libby and Jare from Random Jotdowns (all siblings) are our friends since...well...birth, I guess. The blog their beautiful, godly Mom keeps for their family is here at Engstrom Family Cerebrations. She's so busy mothering, she doesn't post enough (Hint, Hint...we like your blog and want to read it more often...).
Peach, a frequent commenter (but mysterious non-blog-owner) is our dear friend. Yes, you heard me, Peach. What'd you think I would say? That you are my enemy?
Will... well... Will's just cool. He's over at Equus Delirus. He's almost as horse-crazy as I am. Hence the title of his blog... His family has a reeally swell blog, too.
Ashley and Amy... Ashley is a stunning seamstress/poet. Amy is a brilliant alpaca fanatic.
Toni's photography blog...
Sarabeth... readers, brush up on your latin and philosophy! Beautiful blog!
Just a few of the blogger people I know in real life... All these neat people I see at church, often or occasionally. Jolly times...
The Phil Story and Una's Thoughts are the blogs of a brother-sister pair of friends that live much too far away. Excuse me a minute while I go cry in a corner due to grief over the exorbitantly long time that's passed since I last saw them...
*Runs crying from room*
There. *Sniff* I think *sniff* that I can keep going now.
Other notes--
YES- There WILL be another Poetry's Square. I'll publish a blog post when. Until then, begin hoarding poetry! Did I mention that if you publish a blog post featuring someone else's poetry (credited, of course) I'll link that to? So it could also be Poetry appreciation...
Will- OF COURSE being a devoted Scribbler isn't just for girls. Go read Cervantes or something- he was male, along with scores of others. Do you want me to put you up?
If you ARE a devoted scribbler, don't forget to put a button up!!! That's how we'll spread this!
And the GIMP button contest ends in a week. When I publish the results, you'll have more buttons to choose from! Thank you Emily, by the way...
Any more questions, anyone?


Anonymous said...

What a great great pictures! I straighten my hair, but its much shorter than both of yours. I really like your long hair!

Anonymous said...

okay, i'm now jealous... the only person i know on here that's "in the loop" like those people is ivorydancer! *pouts*
all of my other friends have facebook... :(

and i love straitening my hair. it used to take me hours until i cut it all off :P it's as of now above my shoulders, and i'm trying to grow it out again, but... oh well...

Willis said...

Yes please put me on the thing, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out how to get the button on my blog.

Hannah Nicole said...

How very cool! :D

I have a list on my sidebar of all the people I know in real life...:D


Peach said...

Hey at least i finally got a blogger account! Taking things cautiously (read "slowly") my, um, specialty. Blogging will probably be archaic, if not extinct by the time I get to it- but hey, then yall can marvel at my brilliance in being technologically delayed.---P

Jare said...

Will, That is a gross picture (you SO Do Not look like him-even as a Buck tooth kid).

Peach, you got a picture!!!

*Glares at screen, imagining throttling Brace, who would then have to wear a brace...But then she falls over laughing, finally getting the joke(plus bruising her head, bliss sometimes has a cost)*
Ya know its funny; Everybody knows what I'd do...before I even do it!

♥ you girl!
I love being your “real life” friend!
(but I do believe in friendships in cyber space)

Danaphanous said...

beautiful! I love the pictures! *happy*

hazel marie said...

I tagged/awarded you!