'Couple days ago, Chester and I set out, like many a summer day, with a lunge rope and my field bag in hand. This afternoon was different than all the others because I actually brought a camera. It is impossible to catch the essence of a summer day with words, so despite my lack of skills as a photographer, I brought it along.
Here we see a mutilated cheese stick. Mutilated is a horrible word, I know, but apt for the situation.
Chester is really very sweet. I turned him out to pasture for a minute, which is where he is in this photo. Then I could turn my attention tosketching without having my belongings stepped on.
I love his blood bay color. Orange is cute, too- Max, our pony, is orange. But Max deserves a post of his own...
Did I say sketching?
Yes, my field book. It holds poems, sketches, and watercolours. On top is the pencil case Ophelia made for me for Christmas. Didn't she do an admirable job?
I mentioned my field bag earlier. It doubles as a purse =D. That day it carried a phone (Dad likes to have me bring it along on all my excursions, so he or Mom can call me home), sketch book, pencil case, 2 knives, and snacks. Carrots for Chess and a (mutilated) cheese-stick for me. And the camera, of course.
Did I say sketching?
I mentioned my field bag earlier. It doubles as a purse =D. That day it carried a phone (Dad likes to have me bring it along on all my excursions, so he or Mom can call me home), sketch book, pencil case, 2 knives, and snacks. Carrots for Chess and a (mutilated) cheese-stick for me. And the camera, of course.
After Chester and I finished snacking (in addition to a cheese-stick, I munched on blueberries from the bush), we journeyed to an open, meadowy spot. I lunged him a little bit before we headed up.
Sometimes I think I could lunge Chester all day long. just watch him moving every muscle, going through his paces at my direction.
Then Ophie and I played with the dogs in the woods at twilight.
How do you spend your summer days?
I spend my summer days doing hot paper routes. =(
oh poor Una.
Brace, that was a wonderful post.
These summer days have been busy lately. I have been packing and getting ready for Gleanings. This summer I wish I could of gone on more adventures.
I love the pic of you and the boys. It looks like their hugging you.
(BTW, this is Lib, Not Kei. I'm just stealing her account *evil grin*)
Oh Bethie, I'll miss you so much!
And you'll have SO much fun at gleanings!
The Art contest is at HorseFeathers blog(http:/ohorsefeathers.blogspot.com
And thanks for stopping by my blog!
Nice post; that is a really cute pencil case! There's various things I like to do in the summer, mostly sewing, writing, playing piano, drawing, and blogging. =) And watching sea-story movies.
What a lovely way to spend summer. I love your field set of book, pencil case, and bag.
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